
Which cyclotron is most suited for your site?  What synthesizer is the best for research? Which instruments are most reliable for everyday PET production? 

  • Cyclomedical can consult on all aspects of efficient cyclotron production of radiopharmaceuticals.

 Long-term operational experience with equipment from diverse manufacturers gives Cyclomedical a firm basis for evaluation.

Your business plan, your finances, and patient needs determine the specifications of the cyclotron that will be required. 

  • Cyclomedical works with all major cyclotron manufacturers and knows how to translate your business plan into a recommendation.

What are the optimal laboratory instruments for your facility? 

  • Cyclomedical can provide your full suite of production and QC laboratory instruments.

Get the quality you need; get the most cost-effective equipment.

How can you optimize your site management?

  • Cyclomedical operates PET sites effectively

 Meticulous attention to maintenance, requalification, and work flow of the cyclotron, quality control instruments, and staff ensures that there are never issues with production or regulatory compliance. 

Let our expertise simplify your choices.
